Thursday, 31 October 2013


Hello everyone, how are you? I'm very well and sooooo happy!
Soon I'll meet my sweetheart, and I'm leaving tomorrow!
I'm going for a weekend in the South of Italy :)
Pompeii tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday in Puglia, including Saturday I'll go to my friend's, Claudia, BDay! <3 I'm so happy: 3
Good 'holiday' at all and have some fun!;)


"Since it was created a long time ago, Halloween has helped men to stimulate their creativity, to familiarize yourself with their fears, to look at reality from a different point of view. For the Celts, Halloween was a way to greet the arrival of winter. For the early Church was the eve of All Saints' Day (All Hallows Eve). In America emigration Halloween party was the first multi-ethnic and popular. From the fifties has become the party of the children and of the sympathetic motto Trick or treat? (Trick or treat). In recent years the night of October 31 is celebrated as a holiday fantasy: a sort of irreverent carnival macabre. Today, Halloween can be considered to all intents and purposes a party globalized economy, with so many different ways to be celebrated in different parts of the world."

Trick or Treat,
Trick or Treat:
I want something good to eat.
Trick or Treat,
Trick or Treat:
Give me somethig nice and sweet.
Give me candy and an apple, too
and I won’t play a trick on you!




Monday, 28 October 2013

International Smile by Katy Perry.♥

For every person Monday is a drama, a whole week of work/ school to get a little pause, the weekend.
But this week is different!
I've already done all the tasks I had to do and I was left with only the task of the French in the first hour on Thursday and I'll be on vacation until monday: ')
I'm really glaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! :)
NO more stress, JUST have some fun!

Goodnight to everybody!:)

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Thanks God For Saturday!.♥

Hello everybody!:)
This week has been really heavy but luckily today is Saturday!
This afternoon aside from rest a little bit I organized everything, tomorrow I'll be with my sweetheart and I'm happy!♥
Today I put the photos of yesterday :)

Ahahahaahaha :D

Good Saturday Night to All!♥

Friday, 25 October 2013

Grave New World.♥

The other day I saw the last episode of Pretty Little Liars I have waited for two months. I must say that it was strange to review the Liars, and especially in a new place as Ravenswood.. The vote of the episode is an eight, due to heart attack I had while red coat turned out being Alison!
I'm so happy! But I think that Ezra is not A, it would be too easy knowing that there will be other seasons.
The more bad news, is that now we have to wait 7 January for the new episode, I think in the meantime I light 'a thousand other theories.. ahahaaha :)

Have you seen the new episode of Pretty Little Liars?

-My new Obey's hat by my sister from London <3

Good night to everybody!♥

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

I'm the happiest girl in the world.♥

Today I received three good news:
  1. the first is that I'll go in December to Germany. 
  2. the second thing is that I became the class representative with my classmate 
  3. third that I'll do COMENIUS project with Spain and Denmark :)

I'm so excited, until halloween I'll be full of tests, but the thought of doing these things gives me the strength,

I'm the happiest girl in the world right now!♥

Goodnight to everybody with the new hits ;)♥

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


September was a good month, maybe my first well past September.
So many things have happened..relationships that I thought were finished were reborn stronger than before

But now we're in the middle of October, this is the month of the turning point in the music, with the release of Miley's new album!!
I don't know if I've never spoken, but I love her completely, she's my idol by seven years!
I grew up with her, follow her from Hannah Montana to the exit of Bangerz.. I don't support all the things she has done in recent months, but she has completely my esteem.

She was always been criticized, but she's always out with his head held high..
She's a lively girl, smiling.. She's VERY, I think SHE'S PERFECT!

Full album:

Saturday, 28 September 2013


When school starts is so difficult to be organized, you can schedule days, but you just need a task in class the next day to clear all.
Last saturday I went to Gaeta to see the to see the mountain split called 'pietra spaccata' and to greet the summer and in the evening I made ​​cookies for my dear.

I love the summer, but it's not so with the winter. It scares me, makes me sad.. all white and gray on the streets of the city.
This year I would like to change something, maybe I could use a new hairstyle for this?

 I'm really happy about these photos, it was a dream to photograph the sunset♥..

..and quese are my hit of the moment:

Good Saturday Night to Everybody!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


When happens the attack on the twin towers of the "World Trade Center" in New York, I was only 5 years old, and I remember little but despite this I think it's fair to remember every year that ugly tragedy, not to forget those 3,000 people injured and 2,752 people died..
This attack led to a response of America:
  • The USA responded by declaring the "War on Terror" and attacking Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban
  • Economic exchanges remained closed for nearly a week, recording huge losses immediately after the re-opening
  • The economy of Lower Manhattan stopped because of the destruction of the offices of the value of billions of dollars

It was built a small memorial, the rebuilding of the "World Trade Center" was more problematic, as a result of disputes arising as to the possible projects and the time required for their completion. The choice of the Freedom Tower for the reconstruction of the site has undergone widespread criticism, leading to the abandonment of some parts of the original project.

Today was the first day for me at school after the holidays, we only had four hours of which two of substitution because it lacked the theacher of Italian&history..
It was nice to see my class after all..
My school has been renovated and is now much larger, my classroom's really pretty, I like so much the new floors :) Tomorrow will come the interactive whiteboards, and next week the new desks.. how nice: D

my today's outfit:

Goodnight to everybody..