Monday, 5 August 2013

Yesterday and some about PLL.♥

Yesterday was a day of relax, I spent the morning traveling and in the afternoon I saw the new episodes of the fourth season of pretty little liars.. I love that series, I began to see with my friend when she was at my home, and there I saw on streaming all three seasons and I just started to follow the fourth.. first I thought it was just a regular show, a bit boring.. But not, it's a yellow teen starring of four girls who receive messages from a mysterious person A. Who knows all their secrets. These messages begin to arrive at their death of their friend Alison, also here a mysterious death in which you try to discover the murderess.
I won't to say more because if someone watch this series is better if discover alone, I have already found an A.. and you?

I love this song, is really cool:
Have good time tonight :)

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