Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 July 2014


Ultimi 15 giugno, quando eravamo in Spagna siamo andati a visitare lo STATO DI GIBILTERRA .. beh, è ​​davvero un posto bellissimo! 
All'inizio volevamo prendere l'autobus per salire in cima, ma poi abbiamo deciso di partire con le proprie gambe, la montagna è abbastanza alto e arrivati ​​in cima, dopo due ore nel caldo, abbiamo potuto ammirare lo splendido scenario di spagna ma entrambi d'Africa! 
La caratteristica di questa montagna è che ci sono scimmie mezze-wild, è meglio non mangiare lì, si potrebbe a corto di vostro cibo :) 
Intorno al 14 siamo scesi e ci siamo fermati per ottenere un gelato, e abbiamo girato per i negozi lì. Le cose elettroniche costano molto meno che in Europa, perché non pagano le tasse. 

Sulla parte superiore!♥
Mamma ♥

Era bello Essere colpiti Dagli Inglesi, Una gran bella esperienza, totalmente rifatto

Saturday, 28 September 2013


When school starts is so difficult to be organized, you can schedule days, but you just need a task in class the next day to clear all.
Last saturday I went to Gaeta to see the to see the mountain split called 'pietra spaccata' and to greet the summer and in the evening I made ​​cookies for my dear.

I love the summer, but it's not so with the winter. It scares me, makes me sad.. all white and gray on the streets of the city.
This year I would like to change something, maybe I could use a new hairstyle for this?

 I'm really happy about these photos, it was a dream to photograph the sunset♥..

..and quese are my hit of the moment:

Good Saturday Night to Everybody!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

9 September 2013.♥

For me, the summer isn't over, you have to be precise the summer ends on 21 September ahaha, my friends already at the end of August started with writing 'summer is over'.. but it isn't especially when the days are still nice and hot :)
Tomorrow begins the school for me, and I'm excited, they built a new complex, because my school was divided into two buildings (one where I was, the central plexus, and the other along the sea) now we'll all be together, my friend is already gone and she said that now the school is huge, then this year I should make two trips for cultural exchange! I'm so excited **
Last year we were 18 in the class and this year we will be more, I'll have new professors and this year I promise to myself that I'll study right :)
I wish to you to start a good school year if you have not started yet..
Yesterday I was at the sea, I don't think is the last time I took a bath .. the water was so warm and beautiful :)))

My music drug:

Good afternoon to all.♥