Monday, 29 July 2013

Summer Happiness.♥

I have to say that I'm enjoying this summer really good, the other day I went to my friend Katia, and we enjoyed the beautiful saturday afternoon in her garden with a swimming pool and with sooome ice cream ;) 

Let's go to follow my page on FACEBOOK:

Pound The Alarm by Nicki Minaj ;)

Monday, 22 July 2013


My last outfit:

In these days I have very little time, but despite everything I keep updated on everything, especially on the birth of the royal baby, who's a boy;)
The last day I heard the new song by demi lovato, "Made In The Usa" .. I must say that I fell in love, and then the text is really beautiful!

Good night to everybody!;*

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Lace shorts.♥

Last sunday I bought these beautiful lace shorts, I have to admit that I have searched a lot, and I've seen several models before buying. But when I saw these I fell in love and I bought it.
I wanted them white, but in the end I decided that the color white for shorts lace would have had an effect like PLASTIC.
I was afraid of not being able to match with anything, instead look great with everything.
The other night I wore these with a simple white t-shirt, with the superga white and a honey-colored sweater.:)

Mika - Underwater:
Good night everybody ;) ♥

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

A gift. :)

Sunday is my sister arrived from London, she'll be a few days with us here at home in Italy, and as always she brought me a gift over to my favorite chocolates, the maltesers :D

These are magic soaps :D

The second part of the song by Zara Larsson, "She's not me" :)

Sunday, 30 June 2013


                                                                   One day spent in Anzio :)
Was a beautiful day with mommy and my sister ;)

And this is a beautiful cover of Tiffany Alvord of the song of Lana del Rey, Young and Beautiful