Sunday, 23 February 2014


Yesterday I went with my school to Rome, Stadio Olimpico, to watch the match of rugby, Italy vs Scotland. 
It was the first time I've seen a full match of rugby. 
I have to say it was a beautiful experience and above all fun. It's been nice to see the Scots with skirts, drinking beer and see their complexion even clearer than mine. 
Unfortunately, Italy has lost in the last twenty seconds, 21:20 for Scotland.

Have a nice Sunday, kisses ♥

Friday, 21 February 2014


Ciao a tutti e felice Venerdì sera :) 
Quasi tutta l'Europa il Sabato non è andato a scuola, ma purtroppo in Italia andiamo ogni Sabato. 
Ma per fortuna :) io non andrò domani perché, me e altri trenta persone della mia scuola, ci accingiamo a ROMA allo Stadio Olimpico per assistere alla partita di rugby dove ITALIA giocherà contro la Scozia. 
Sono entusiasta perché sarà la prima volta che vado a vedere una partita di rugby :) 
Go Italia!

.. Qualche tempo fa ho promesso a me stesso che avrei scrivo più posti, per essere in grado di avere lettori fissi, ma purtroppo non è stato possibile .. per la scuola, compiti a casa, pomeriggi passati a scuola di Cambridge e spagnolo, e in particolare per la piscina. 
Mi auguro che da ora in poi lo farò più spesso, perché sto organizzando e sto cercando di non perdere tempo su cose non molto importanti, ma lasciare un po 'di spazio, per scrivere post sul blog, perché mi piace. 
E 'come se io sto memorizzare una parte della mia vita. 

Io vado a cercare online il nuovo episodio di Pretty Little Liar, il 4x20, onestamente aspettavo di più da l'ultimo episodio, ma non c'è motivo di lamentarsi. 

Avere Una bella serata ♥

A little gift for Me.♥

Sunday, 9 February 2014


Finally it's Sunday, although as we all know on Sunday afternoon begins to be a sad moment because it's just that at this time we realize that tomorrow we'll go back to school :(
Yesterday I spent the whole day with my boyfriend and we had a great time, tonight we'll be together again and I honestly can't wait :)

I wish everyone a good Sunday and especially a good evening :)


Thursday, 6 February 2014


Hello to everyone!
  How's your week? 
I have to say I'm tired, today I wrote two checks.. the English and Maths: [
Luckily one more day to Saturday and then finally I will be able to relax, at least for a moment hahaha :)

I'm feeling like I'm going back to a routine of daily life, and honestly I'm not a lover of this style of life. I can't deny that I'm doing the countdown for the next holiday to be able to do something else.. maybe I'm dreaming too far forward but not lying I'm looking forward to the summer to finally swim like a fish in sea water. I'm convinced that you can't wait even though I have many friends who love winter.

Good Night to All!

From Sales.♥

On Sunday I went with my mom to Rome at the mall Euroma2 to buy something because these are the last days of the sales. I bought some nice things but I'm happy especially for the last purchase.. black leather boots from zara on which I found a huge discount! 
And as you have gone shopping?
Two pairs of amazing jeans and really comfortable :)
Long shirts, good with leggings:)
1€ :)
 A really great scarf :)
And these are my fantastic boots, they are so comfortable..
I love them!

Monday, 3 February 2014



1.Me and Katia, one of my schoolmates
2.Me and my Boyfriend
3.With Eleonora, on the snow week in Campitello Matese:)
4.Cakes for Katia's BDay:)
5.Skiing with friends :)

2.With my girls
3.Maltesers, the best way of chocolate
5.With Benny in class
7.My report card.. lol :3
8.Outfit :)

1.Our room in the Mountain :)
3.Earrings :)
4.Studying German :3
5.Dinner at a Chinese restaurant with Ele
6.Me :)
7.Study with Sweetness :)
8.Finally I have my Baby Lips by Maybelline New York
9.Glues :)

4.Go to the top :)
5.Skiing with Gianmarco :)
6.Campitello Matese.

1.The best dinner
2.My classmate Benny is an artist
3.Céline Paris sweatshirt
4.Is the time of the tea.. 
6.Mniam :)

Sunday, 19 January 2014


Well I have to say that today I'm recovering the post son my blog. 
Tomorrow I leave for the Mountain, I go where I went last year. I'm happy, I had missed the snow and especially skiing :) 
I wish you all a great week, and not to cut you down by problems at school :)♥

Good Night <33


Well I thought a long time about this Post, Do or Not? But at the end but I chose the first. 
I have to say that the SALE are similar to those that I can find in Italy. 
There is always a date that begins  the day of the sales, in London on December 26 called the Boxing Day. And as in Italy, unfortunately they don't put all the merchandise on sale, but only one additional type of converse in different patterns, for example.

I bought a few things, maybe I would have bought more if I had more space in the suitcase.. ahaha♥

1.These sweatshirts I look for a really long time but I finally found in London
2.These one I bought from THE STING Store in Picadilly :)
3. I love this shirt from PRIMARK
4.Oh this is my treasure, It's from FOREVER21
5. Basics Shirts from PRIMARK
6.Really freat Jeans from FOREVER21 
7.And this amazing skirt from PRIMARK for only 2Pounds ;)

 8. Timberland Boots :)
9. I think this was the best purchase, I bought this heels of genuine leather from ALDO for only 7 from 60Pounds!:)
10.Slippers from PRIMARK

12.Telephone Cover :)
13. Pens, the first from MT, the second from Tower Hill and the last was a gift :)
15. a fantastic headband for hair from PRIMARK
16.BATTISTE, the dry shampoo, I search for it in many places but nothing, In UK I fount it everywhere :)
17. Nail Polish from H&M :)
18.A clutch from PRIMARK
19.Acessories for Hairs :)

I think It's everything. I really enjoyed Shopping in London and I hope to return soon!:)

From London.♥ Part 4/4♥

And this is the last part of the photos from London, I was here from the twentythird to thirtyfirst of December, was an amazing experience, I have to say that this time I saw most things like the last. I saw many things. I really love London. It's a cool city, the most beautiful thing is that You can be everyone you would. You can have pink hairs, 100 earrings and not be noticed.. ok ahaha I'm not inspired from this but It's good for everyone would it be! ♥

From Gatwick with greetings♥

Have a good Night!♥