Saturday, 4 January 2014

From London.♥ Part 1/4

Hi everyone!
I came back from London, and I'm really excited. It 'was again a wonderful experience, and Christmas was really nice pass there, despite all the rain.

1.The first day we went to British Museum, I have to say It is really big! And you can find everything!

2. On 24 December we went to Madam Tussaunds, was nice to meet Johnny Depp, The Beatles or Rihanna :)
After we went to London Acquarium and on London Eye, was an amzing experience!

That's all for today, I wish to everything to spent a nice weekend :)

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Sunset od December.♥

Yesterday I was photographing the fantastic sunset with my boyfriend and I'm really proud to see these photos because I have to say that they came out fine, without any retouching <3
I'd be lying if I said that I don't love photographing sunsets.♥

Goodnight to everybody ♥

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Lazy Sunday.♥

Hello to everybody:)
How are going your plans for XMas?
For me well, I'm organizing the time spend on the Christmas holidays in London and honestly I can't wait :)
in 8 days I'll be on the airplane that will take me to Gatwick :)
  This morning I spent time with mom to go shopping, and unfortunately it rained a little bit: (
Today is just a lazy Sunday, but finally soon I'll see my love

I'm obsessed with this song!

Have a good Sunday♥


For a while time I love the classic style, jeans, white shoes, a sweater and a scarf in one color with the pearl earring is my perfect look :)

To don't often dress the same way I add something from another style, usually this is some accessory.
Last day I bought three things from H&M, 3 Basics.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


The last day I received my gift for christmas.. a bit of time before Christmas Day is a normal thing in my home haha :D
My love is samsung galaxy s4. I don't lie I wanted the iphone, but in the end the choice fell on the brand of Samsung and I'm proud.
It's really a good phone, I find it very convenient because I can open all of my favorite apps with one touch, such as Skype, What's App, Facebook, Instagram, GMail..
For the quality of the photos still I don't have full idea, sometimes it does really nice and some not so.. and this made ​​me realize that nothing will ever replace my beautiful and beloved Canon:) although I have downloaded applications Retrica or CamWow alternatives, since they have been bought only by Apple, and I find myself well :)♥

Sunday, 1 December 2013

First December.♥

Finally we have december!
The last month of this great year, I won't write about all this year because this isn't the end but I just hope that all will be continue great for December as for the last eleven months.
It was the year I'll remember forever, I'm sure!♥
Today I started to decorate at home, I stuck to the windows of the sticker and I put lights around my room, this weather is sweet: ')
I love everything about this, and think that in 22 days I'll be on the airplane  to London..ohw.. THE GOOD LIFE♥

Goodnight to everybody!♥

Tuesday, 26 November 2013


On Saturday I made ​​these muffins and they came yummy yummy!
Well, summer is over for two months, the cold and frost is back also bringing the season of rain and short days :(
I don't like all this, it makes me feel bad, 
But luckily it all goes passes fast without perceiving because the time I spend in school and to study immediately passes these days :)
But when I have free time I like to pass it by doing something good for the stomach.. something sweet!:)
and that's why I made the muffins, they are really quick and easy to prepare and doesn't need much. 
When I was little I always did them with my childhood friend, Ola.
We had fun a lot to decorate!♥

Goodnight to everybody.♥

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Countdown to London.♥

It 's strange to say but we are slowly approaching the end of the year, taking away the Christmas holidays and Sundays 24 days of school were filled with tests and some other, this fall is especially beautiful to me, perhaps because I have a wonderful boyfriend who never ceases to amaze me and there's no time to stop to show it! I'm so happy to have such a person in my life, well is my better half.♥

In exactly one month I will return to London, yeeee I'm so excited! This is the second time, I went there last spring and I'm still in love!
It 's so beautiful, amazing, incredible and all the other adjectives that I could add!
I can't wait to spend Christmas there, I think that will be the best Christmas ever! At least I hope so!♥
Picadilly Circus, Oxford Street, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Victoria and especially to go back on millenium bridge and from there to see the Cathedral of St. Paul :)

Good Saturday Night to Everybody!♥


Today is my girl's birthday!
I'm so proud of her, she's my girl, I grew up with her.
I was always with her, even now that worldwide criticism for the video 'WRECKING BALL' directed by Terry Richardson, or for photos. Each of us is good at criticizing but then when u think about it you realize you was wrong.. 
She's a star, you can't afford certain things, I don't know if I would have done everything that she did and continues to do, but I know that she's a REAL GIRL, she has a heart and a big soul!
She isn't selfish in fact, has done so much for people, very few people know the real reason why she cuts her hair! The reason is only one, wanted to donate to an association and this has resulted in a profit with whom they have helped so many children!
We're in 2013, before spoking look, and inquire why a person did a certain thing!
good twenty-first birthday princess! <3


She's amazing and I love her voice!♥

Monday, 4 November 2013


Last Friday, the first of november, I went to Pompeii and I spent the night there.
As soon as we arrived we went to the hotel, then the Mass and immediately after the campatile to see the city from above, the view was fantastic! You could see the Vesuvius, which I think is a fascinating thing the volcano.